2face, Wizkid, Banky W & The Top 5 Nigerian Musicians To Feature On A Song

Hi music aficionados, odds are a new song will be released, today, by some fresh-faced young and hopeful new artiste who lacks enough lyrical power, street credibility, and that necessary ‘twinkle’ to bestow upon the song an overpowering gimmick and make it see the light of popular demand. So they go running to some established figures in the game, people who’ve come, sang, and conquered our hearts with their musical skill. They are the stars, heavyweight acts required not just to add ‘star dust’ to the song, but to make the song more likely to go the distance.
At Pulse.ng, After numerous sessions of arguments, endless verbal wars, and massive editorial screening, I’ve sneaked past them all to release this list of superstars who’re more likely to make a song ‘blow’. Read, enjoy….and ‘you’re welcome’
1. 2face
Who else to lead them all? There’s something about 2baba that we never can put a finger on. That latent spice that overpowers our senses, and makes us impartial, even before we appreciate the music. He’s a star, an icon of musical quality, and an exemplar of lyrical beauty. Ranking so high in the ‘awesome’ department that a mere mention of his name, gets the listener on the edge. Any song he touches turns to gold, and even if it’s a sad mournful dirge about the terrifying end of the world, 2face is sure to make us all joyfully look forward to the last days of planet earth. But there’s a caveat though, and this one’s for the host; unless you have a strong gimmick to complement 2face’s brilliance, you’ll get lost in your song. Bring your A-game to the mic or 2baba will definitely own your song and eclipse your talent.
2. Wizkid
A man for the moment, a man for all seasons, and the hero of all the young and wannabe stars. Jaiye Jaiye crooner comes in next as the ‘killer’ of music. Wizzybaby is synonymous to pop culture, with his trademark voice an asset to any studio release. And it’s not limited to the mic. He’s got that ‘bounce’, that hip attitude necessary to go past the skeptics and win hearts all over. The best part about featuring this blazer is his ability to blend into any genre (stop! don’t even think about gospel ), with remarkable skill and artistry. Wizkid works best though on an uptempo beat, where he’ll never fail to make your song a club hit. A strong rocking example is “Sexy Mama’, his duet with Iyanya. Grab Wizkid, grab your fairy boy wonder.
3. Flavour
How do you afford to not love a maestro like N’abania? First he hops onto your beat with his trademark signature ‘Onye Onuma’ , sprinkling a stamp of class to any release. Then he comes in hard on the third verse (that’s if you have enough in you to keep him out of the chorus), grabbing we listeners, and smiting our delighted hearts with the best of his Eastern highlifey genius. When featured, Flavour brings on the old school, tweaking it to fit into modern pop culture, and most chiefly, romances your song with it. The result always thrills, and forever will thrill. Feature Flavour, capture immortality for the stereo.
4. Banky W
One Word: Class! Imagine a world without the taste of sensual R&B, picture a Nigeria without the silky smooth vocal goodness of Banky W, and conjure this list without his name sitting pretty within this elite cast of enhancing singers. Nah. It’ll be a worse fate than a holocaust. We all love a good dose of the bald-headed pretty man, and adding his suave artistry to your music will step up your ratings in the jamoflife-o-meter. His lyrical delivery sprays the tush feel on any song, and will definitely make it go the extra step. But there’s a warning though; if ever you make a music video, please do not let Banky dance. He sucks at it.
5. Burna Boy
‘They call me Buurrrna…Boy”. That’s a line synonymous with the ruler of the emerging market. Burna Boy’s style complements all, enriches all songs, and brings out the beauty of the rhythm. He’s a blend of the old guard, and the distant exotic Caribbean maestros. Wherever he’s featured, Burna Boy smears the song all over with uniqueness that shoots it right up the playlists, and into the repeat zone. It’s Burna all the way, and he’s got his mojo dripping onto his features.
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